ANNOUNCEMENT .... Webinar for #Speakers who want to create courses! REGISTER Today...


Webinar for #Speakers who want to create courses!


Are you a professional speaker looking to scale your business and expand your impact beyond traditional live events?

Then, you have come to the right event because...If YOU Are A Speaker- You Have a Profitable Digital Course!


During our time together we will do a deep dive into transforming your speech, topic or speaker notes into a curated digital course outline that you will then use to craft a profitable online course.


1. Additional income stream

2. eBooks

3. B2B and B2C contracts

4. Passive income and wealth!

5. Get paid to speak and transfer that into live course participants from the audience!

#PROTIP Don't forget these are also your coaching and consulting clients, collaborators, referrers, book purchasers, webinar attendees, etc!

Whether you're a seasoned speaker or just getting started, this webinar will provide you with the insights and inspiration you need to thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape of online education.

What you need:

Speaker notes

Pen and Paper

Ideas and an open mind

We will work with 1:1 to craft your speaking topic into an outline for your first digital course!

Share this with your fellow #businessbesties and #speakers you all will not want to miss this!